Playbill of events

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Scene Igor Slavinskiy`s stage
Performance start 18:00
Ticket price 450 hrn

What could surprise a bestselling author about a sophisticated maniac-killer?

So do thought our writer, when a junior publishing agent entered her cozy house in Switzerland. No one alive will be able to convince the master to create another gloomy masterpiece. But fate knows how to bypass our “never”.

“Let two people into a room, leave them alone for a long enough time – and if you let their natures manifest, there is a good chance that one of them will come out of the room alone”.

In the 40s of the 20th century, during the Second World War, the genre of “noir” arose. “Black film” (French: film noir – “film noir”) is a direction in cinema that reflects an atmosphere of pessimism, distrust, disappointment and cynicism.

The idea of ​​​​the genre – thanks to comparison, you can always find peace. The viewer does not just relax, he is a participant in the process. A person emotionally connects to the lives of others. And thus relieves his nervous system and head.

And since the theater cannot fully claim to be a master of horror, we offer you the detective noir “Switzerland” by Joanna Murray-Smith. You will spend these hours in another dimension.

Performance language - ukrainian

Additional Information - translated from English by Mariana Kiyanovska

1 hour 30 minutes without intermission

Genre - Detective

First night - 19 January 2024

Author - Joanna Murray-Smith

Director - Polina Medvedeva

Set designer - Andreas fon Shlippe

Costume designer - Maria Pogrebnyak

Music - Timur Polyanskyi

Choreography - Angelika Borisova

Light - Sergey Nevgadovsky

Sound - Yuriy Lyudvichenko

Video - Alexander Bratinov

Stage manager - Maria Pantiukh