Playbill of events

back to afisha
Scene Igor Slavinskiy`s stage
Performance start 18:00

Please pay attention to the start time of the show, which is indicated in your ticket!

If air raid would be announce, all spectators and theater staff must follow to the shelter. After the signal to cancel the danger, we will continue to play the play.
In case the alarm lasts for more than an hour, we will play the play on the morning of the next working day, so that everyone can get home safely before curfew.

By supporting the theater, you are investing in the future.
Thank you for staying with us.

Do you believe in love after 20 years of married life, when an incredible, passionate, crazy feeling… has passed?
But aren’t the years of married life worth giving the relationship another chance?
Maybe seek advice from a professional? To finally put all the points …



Performance language - ukrainian

Additional Information - Translated from german by Bohdan Storokha

2 hours with intermission

Genre - Comedy

First night - 26 february 2021

Author - Daniel Glattauer

Director - Polina Medvedeva

Set and costume designer - Olena Drobna

Music - Timur Polyansky, Stanislav Melnyk

Light - Sergey Nevgadovsky

Choreography - Angelika Borisova

Video - Alexander Bratinov

Stage manager - Tatiana Antonova, Vladyslav Tsehmeistruk, Sofia Liudvichenko
