Oksana Anishchenkova

Sergiy BoikoHonored Artist of Ukraine
– I was impressed by the film “A Star is Born”. A very good film, worthy of all sorts of awards. Excellent acting, editing. Although it was directed by an actor, Bradley Cooper. It stars Lady Gaga, who for me before was exclusively a woman who is shocking – for example, wearing a meat dress or wearing high heels.
– I generally like Almodóvar, Fellini, the Coen brothers… Paradoxical directors. From the last one I watched, I was impressed by the film “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”. Frances McDormand played an impressive role! I also like visually beautiful films. For example, “The Shape of Water” by Guillermo del Toro.
– I was a very quiet and modest child, I studied well, I didn’t climb trees, but I loved to contemplate beautiful landscapes, go to the botanical garden. I wasn’t a mischievous girl, in a word. I read a lot, loved playing with animals – I still love cats. I was quite good at using appliances, and now I can repair something in the house, hammer if necessary, or screw in a light bulb. And I liked performing in front of an audience as a child: I played the Snow Maiden, recited poems – I didn’t really want to do it myself, but when asked – I agreed.
– If I hadn’t been an actress… I’ve been an actress all my conscious life, so I didn’t even think about it. Maybe I would have been an engineer. Although… Do you remember, the “dream job” was once circulating on the Internet – to be an observer on some deserted island? This is really a dream job! Watching turtles… It’s even hard to imagine what it’s like.
– Acting – you never get used to it, you never fully learn it and you never fully understand it. It’s like measuring the temperature, like mercury in a thermometer: today you think you know everything, you completely understand your character, and the next time you play in a bad mood – and the character doesn’t come out, although everything was perfect before. It’s impossible to catch a “blue bird” by the tail, so you have to constantly improve yourself.
A Clockwork Orange − Character
LOVE POTION − (Ua) Попадя
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM − (Ua) Егея, мати Гермії
ONE HUNDRED THOUSANDS − (Ua) Параска, Калитчина дружина