
Volodymyr KuznetsovMerited Artist of Ukraine

Actor of the Kiev Academic Drama Theater in Podol. He graduated from Kiev National University of Theater, Film and TV named after. I.K. Karpenko-Kary.

In the theater since 2008.


National Drama Theater of Russian Drama named after Lesia Ukrainka (2005-2008):

“Cyrano de Bergerac” by E. Rostand – Christian

“Don Quixote of 1938” M. Bulgakova – Monk

Theater on Podil:

“Memoirs of a Young Doctor” M Bulgakova – psychiatrist ;
“Mirror of Saint Germain” – Kolyan ;
“Dead Souls” M. Gogol – Mizhuev ;
“Opera Mafioso” V. Stanilova – Antonio Bulgarelli ;
“Autumn in Verona, or a True Story About Romeo and Juliet” A. Krym – Second Englishman ;
“Half-witted Jourdain” M. Bulgakova – fencing instructor ;
“La Bonne Anna, or How to Save the Family” M. Camoletti – Robert ;
“One Hundred Thousand” I. Karpenko-Karyy – Klim ;
“The Elder Son” – Silva .

“Eternally alive” by V. Rozova – Misha;

“Forest” by O. Ostrovsky – Oleksiy Bulanov;

“At the bottom” by M. Gorky – Vaska Popil;

“Stronger passion, more than love” by A. Chekhov – Khirin Kuzma Mykolayovych; Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov;

“Nursery’s apartment” by M. Bulgakov – Pavlo Fyodorovych Obolyaninov;

“Navigator” L. Bugadze – Rostom;

“Lyovushka” A. Krym – Lyovushka;


“It was on the Kuban” – Sergey Krivonos;

“Defender” – Artem;

“Fury” – Captain;

“Ballad of the Bomber” – Ostap;

“Ask the Autumn” – Grigory Nosov;

“Traffic Light” – Andrey Babayanov;

“On the Line of Life” – Captain Shumakov;

“Big Rzhaka” – former husband. 


– I agree to any changes. If it doesn’t bring trouble to my loved ones, then I can get fatter, or grow a mustache, or shave my head! The main thing is that I don’t want to satisfy the director’s egotism, but if everything is logical and justified – please, any sacrifices.

– Lyovushka is a copy of my son. When this play was being created, I very carefully watched everything my son does, how he runs, spins, talks, cries, is surprised. Well, I feel childishness in myself. Unfortunately, I lose it with age, but I try to stretch it out for longer.

– I don’t have a motto, my life positions change depending on what the space brings, I look carefully… There is a phrase that I tell myself and others: “Angels only sit on calm shoulders”, and it becomes easier…

– I am a huge fan of the TV series “Friends”.


Grey Bees − Vladlen

THE HOST − Likhtarenko