Playbill of events

back to afisha
Performance start 16:00

With the support of Istituto Italiano di Cultura Kiev

A woman strives for family happiness. But something or someone constantly hinders, destroys ideals, despises its values, neglects holy feelings.

There is a way out – a recipe for family happiness from Dario Fo, a brilliant Italian playwright, master of satire and a happy family man.

Welcome to the kitchen where love is created!

Attention! Gunshots ring out in the play. 

Performance language - Ukrainian

1 hour 30 minutes

Genre - Comedy

First night - 18 February 2018

Author - Dario Fo

Director - Igor Matiiv

Set Designer - Irina Smekhnova

Costume Designer - Svetlana Zaikina

Music - Timur Polyanskyi

Choreographer - Angelika Borisova

Stage manager - Sofia Lyudvichenko, Tetiana Antonova