Scene | NEW STAGE |
Performance start | 18:00 |
Ticket price | 200-500 hrn |
26 Mar, Wednesday18:00 / 200-500 hrn.

Based on the novel “The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone” by Tennessee Williams, adaptation by Polina Medvedeva.
Some lines are in English.
Love story that could have happened anywhere but happened in Rome.
The Eternal City gave the famous American actress Karen Stone a romantic vacation full of Italian passion.
The heart of every woman longs for love, no matter how many times before it was burned by fire… Our heroine is drawn into a real cycle, where there are love and fear, lie and hope, as well as faith in a miracle! Because if you really want to, then even in April it will snow.
«Snow in April» is a high-quality, classical play for theater-goers who do not like scandalous experiments…»
You could say that there is a big difference between theater and cinema with its huge budgets, computer graphics and opportunities for commercial promotion of the finished product? Usually, avid theatergoers say that it’s interesting to watch live the interaction of the actors, their emotions and, sometimes, their mistakes. It’s such an exclusive! But the performance of Polina Medvedeva doesn’t need these excuses – the artwork from Andreas von Schlippe admireы with laconism, the scenery and set design is mature”. N. Lezhnev
Performance language – Ukrainian
Additional Information – Translation by Marianna Kiyanovskaya
2 hours 30 minutes with intermission
First night – 12 April 2019
Author – Polina Medvedeva by Tennessee Williams
Director – Polina Medvedeva
Set & Costume Designer – Andreas von Schlippe
Producers – Vladimir Prudkin, Irina Batko-Stupka
Music – Timur Polyansky
Lighting Designer – Sergey Nevgadovsky
Choreographer – Angelika Borisova
Sound – Sergey Shevchenko
Video – Alexander Bratinov
Stage Manager – Sofia Lyudvichenko
Performance language - (Ua) українська
Additional Information - (Ua) Переклад Маріанни Кияновської
(Ua) 2 години з антрактом
First night - (Ua) 12 квітня 2019 року
Author - (Ua) Поліна Медведева за Теннессі Вільямсом
(Ua) Режисер-постановник - (Ua) Поліна Медведева
(Ua) Художник-постановник та художник з костюмів - (Ua) Андреас фон Шліппе
(Ua) Продюсери - (Ua) Володимир Прудкін, Ірина Батько-Ступка
(Ua) Музичне оформлення - Timur Polyanskyi
(Ua) Художник з освітлення - Sergey Nevgadovsky
(Ua) Балетмейстер - Angelika Borisova
(Ua) Звукорежисер - (Ua) Олексій Сергієнко
(Ua) Відео - Alexander Bratinov
(Ua) Помічник режисера - Sofia Lyudvichenko