Scene | Igor Slavinskiy`s stage |
Performance start | 18:00 |
18 Feb, Tuesday18:00 / 0 hrn.Sold Out
14 Mar, Friday18:00 / 0 hrn.Sold Out
15 Mar, Saturday14:00 / 0 hrn.Sold Out

Do you like tricky detective stories? Do you use a deductive method, understand the motives and have an iron endurance?
The beauty salon on Andriyivsky Descent becomes a crime scene.
The famous pianist is brutally killed … with scissors.
An eccentric hairdresser, a mercantile assistant, a rich but untalented opera maiden and a mysterious antiquary are under suspicion.
Come – evil must be punished!
Глядачі стануть свідками «злочину», який їм доведеться розслідувати — режисер про прем’єру інтерактивної вистави «Ножиці» (Громадське радіо)
Слідство ведуть глядачі у Театрі на Подолі (theatre.love)
Performance language - Ukrainian
Additional Information - Translated from German by Bohdan Stоrokha
2 hours
Genre - Investigative experiment
First night - 19 May 2021
Author - Paul Portner
Director - Igor Matiiv
Set & Costume Designer - Taisiya Karas
Music - Timur Polyanskyi
Choreographer - Angelika Borisova
Lighting Designer - Victor Leonidov
Sound Engineer - Oleksiy Serhiyenko
Stage Manager - Sofia Lyudvichenko, Vladyslav Tsehmeistruk